ZYXel - 1-800-355-4101
McAfee Security…………..408-992-8599………8am to 8pm CST……..M to F
Main Number
McAfee Security………….866-622-3911………8am to 8pm CST………M to F
Sales Number
McAfee Main Number ...800-338-8754…….8am to 8pm CST……..M to F
Pay Per Minute……………..900-733-2582……8am to 8pm CST…….. M to F
Pay Per Minute
(Licensed Product)……….900-733-1350……5am to 11pm PST ……7 Days
Pay Per Incident ………….866-860-7357……..6am-10pm PST………7 Days
Pay Per Minute
(Licensed Product)………...900-733-1350…..5am to 11pm PST……7 Days
Pay Per Incident………………866-860-7357…..6am-10pm PST……….7 Days
Pay Per Incident
(Licensed Service)………….866-860-7358……..6am-10pm PST……..7 Days
Corp Rep Lookup…………….800-338-8754 (opt3).8am to 8pm CST M to F
Corporate Customer Service 800-338-8754 (option 3) 7am to 8pm CST M to F
McAfee Support
for Dell customers… ………800-269-6990…….8am to 8pm CST………7 Days
AOL Customer Service
(Netscape)……………………..877-254-5507…….. www.aol.com
Rebates …………………………..866-880-9661 www.mcafeerebates.com
Cox Customer Service……….800-234-3993 http://www.cox.com/support/
Regsoft (US)……………………..1-877-734-7774 www.regsoft.com
Regsoft (Int)………………………1-953-646-5178
McAfee Refunds for Tech Issues………….866-470-0534
McAfee Tech support Pay $2.95……….900-733-2582