E-Mail Clients
Web-based E-mail Netscape 8.x Opera 8.x Eudora 7.x
Outlook Express 6.x Netscape 7.2 Opera 7.50

Eudora 6
Outlook Express 5.x Netscape 7.1 Opera 7.23 Eudora 4.x - 5.x
Outlook 2003 Netscape 6.x Pegasus 4.3x SeaMonkey
Outlook XP 2002 Netscape 4.x Pegasus 4.21c

Agent 3.2
Outlook 2000

Mozilla Pegasus 4.12a

Agent 2.x
IncrediMail Xe Thunderbird 1.5 Pegasus 4.02a
PocoMail 3.2 Thunderbird 1.0.7 Pegasus 3.12c Pocket Outlook
The Bat! 3.x

GoldMine 6

Express Plus MailRover by Postini

Virtual Windows Mail

Virtual Outlook Express 6

Virtual Outlook 2003

Virtual Outlook 2002

Virtual Outlook 2000

Virtual ThunderBird

Virtual Incredimail XE

Email Servers

AOL: smtp.mail.aol.com
Adelphia: mail.adelphia.net
Ameritech: mailhost.det.ameritech.net
AT&T: mailhost.att.net
AT&T Global: smtp1.attglobal.net
Bell internet highspeed (Canadian): smtp10.bellnet.ca
Bell south: mail.bellsouth.net
CableOne: mail.cableone.net
Charter Communications: smtp.chartermi.net
Charter.net: smtp.charter.net
CharterTN.net: mail.chartertn.net
CharterMI.net: mail.chartermi.net
Cinncinnati Bell/Fuse Dial-up: smtp.fuse.net
coax.net: smtp.west.coax.net /east / central
comcast: smtp.comcast.net
Cox: smtp.west.cox.net - smtp.central.cox.net - smtp.east.cox.net
Earthlink: smtp.earthlink.net
Etisalat (UAE): smtp.emirates.net.ae
epix: out.epix.net
erols: smtp.erols.com
Frontiernet.net: smtp.frontiernet.net
fuse: smtp.fuse.net
iquest.net: mail.iquest.net
ISP.com: mail.isp.com
Juno: smtp.juno.com
Megared (Mexico): contact service provider for Settings.
Mindspring: smtp.mindspring.com
MSN: smtp.email.msn.com
MSN.DSL: secure.smtp.email.msn.com
NEBI.com: mail.nebi.com
Netcom: smtp.ix.netcom.com
NetZero: smtp.netzero.net
OOL (Optimum Online): mail.optonline.net
Pacific Bell (Pacbell): mail.pacbell.net
panix.com: mailhost.panix.com
PeoplePC: smtp.peoplepc.com
Quixnet.net: smtp.quixnet.net
RCN: smtp.rcn.com
Road Runner(NYC): smtp-server.nyc.rr.com (for other states, and regions contact your Road Runner Support team)
Rogers Hi-Speed (Canadian): smtp.broadband.rogers.com
SBC: smtp.sbcglobal.net
SBC Yahoo: smtp.sbcglobal.yahoo.com
speakeasy: mail.speakeasy.net
Spectrum DSL           mail.webstable.com
SprintLink         smtp.a001.sprintmail.com
Sprynet         m6.sprynet.com
Starpower         smtp.starpower.net
Sympatico         mailhost.sk.sympatico.ca
UMBC         smtp.gl.umbc.edu
USA.NET         mail.netaddress.usa.net
US Internet         smtp.usit.net
The-Beach.net: mail.the-beach.net
UUNet         mail.uu.net
Verio: smtp.veriomail.com
Verizon: outgoing.verizon.net
Verizon(alt): smtpout.verizon.net or outgoing.verizon.net
Wide Open West           smtp.mail.wideopenwest.com
XO Communications         mail.njd.xo.com or smtp.concentric.net
Yahoo         smtp.mail.yahoo.com

Ziplink         smtp.ziplink.net
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